A father of six tearfully made his way to Santa’s lap, “What do you want for
Christmas?” asked Santa, through tears this sweet father replied, “I want
my son back”.
There were 300 sets of tears instantly as Santa tried to get himself together
over this one.
You see, Santa (my sweet husband Bret), knew of the heartache that this
good father was fighting. Santa knew that this kind man had been on a
normal motorcycle ride with his 15-year-old son a few months earlier when
a crash suddenly took his son home to heaven.
“I am not sure I can do that,” said Santa, “but we all love you”.
It was year five of ‘Operation Christmas Magic’.
Five years of scouring our little town looking for families that may have had a rough year. Families that may have had a business fail, or a life-threatening illness, or loss of employment.
Five years of pulling kind-hearted people together for a magical day that brings just a bit of relief to hearts that hurt. You see, once in a while, everyone is in need of a ‘grand surprise’.
You never know when hardship may hit, and many people suffer, and
struggle and muscle through silently.
The hardest part of watching someone hurt is not knowing how to help.
But on this one magical day, we find a way to help.
And the bonds that grow out of knowing what someone needs and being able to fill that need are truly life changing - for everyone involved.
If you are ready to make someone's Christmas just a little brighter, click the button, choose a donation amount that fits your world (both personal & corporate donations welcome).
To get your eyes on some of the fun we have had...check out the clips below...
...if bringing Operation Christmas Magic to your town is something that excites you, click the button below and get involved with our training academy & meet personally with me, & all of us here at the North Pole.
We are a registered 501C-03 in the USA, all donations are tax deductible.
Thank you for helping us spread the magic worldwide!
Mrs. Claus
Shelly Yorgesen